
Nightfall’s New Console Provides Actionable Analytics & Centralized UI for Solving Data Security Risk

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Michael Osakwe
July 25, 2022
Nightfall’s New Console Provides Actionable Analytics & Centralized UI for Solving Data Security RiskNightfall’s New Console Provides Actionable Analytics & Centralized UI for Solving Data Security Risk
Michael Osakwe
July 25, 2022
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The Nightfall platform is a SaaS data protection platform already known for its high accuracy findings and analytics. Now, thanks to new features baked into the Nightfall Console, users will have enhanced analytics functionality through an elegant and easy to navigate dashboard interface. Watch the video demo below for a walkthrough of changes, or read the rest of the post to learn more.


Introducing Twilight Design System

First and foremost, we've introduced a completely redesigned visual design of the UI with our brand-new design system that we’re calling Twilight.

Not only does Twilight give a fresh look and feel to our console, but it also provides the following:

  • Consistency 
  • Twilight works to improve the overall user experience of Nightfall by eliminating redundancies and inconsistencies in the console.
  • Velocity
  • With a collection of reusable components, established patterns, and clear implementation standards in place, the design and engineering teams are enabled to work with much more efficiency and focus.
  • Alignment
  • By standardizing the design, it creates a tighter customer feedback loop across design, product, and engineering.

We are very excited to roll out this new design across our entire product in the near future. Look out for more details on how Twilight will enhance the user experience of the Nightfall Platform.

Twilight is a simplistic, elegant design that quickly draws attention to areas of interest with a standardized pallet.

Overview of the new console features

With the new version of the Nightfall Console, users get an overhauled dashboard, packed with easily digestible, actionable insights. As soon as the dashboard page is loaded, users will see:

  • A detailed trendline of violations
  • The total number of violations by status. The two categories of violations are:
  • active which requires your attention
  • actioned which have been resolved either via notifications, quarantine, redaction or deletion. 
  • A trendline of which Nightfall policies and detectors have been triggered the most, so you can understand the most common type of data policy violations being committed.
  • A list of the highest risk users.

All data in these dashboards is updated in real time, so the page does not need to be refreshed in order to view changes. You can also filter the data to view information over a specific time frame. By default, the page shows data over the last 30 day period with the ability to go back up to 180 days to address any compliance requirements.

The dashboard on the Nightfall Console immediately provides actionable links to violations by category and includes a view that quickly illustrates changes in violation frequency over time.

Overview of new remediation workflow features

In tandem with changes to the dashboard come changes to how users view and remediate violations within the Nightfall Console come in tandem with changes to the dashboard. Once users click to view violations from the main dashboard, they’ll be greeted by the violations page, where they can sort and filter violations by: 

  • The native Nightfall integration where the finding was detected
  • The time period when the finding was detected
  • The detectors that were triggered
  • Remediation status of violation
  • The detector confidence threshold for the finding 

and more.

These changes are intended to allow users to flexibly develop workflows that make sense for them. For example, Nightfall users in highly regulated industries like healthcare and fintech might want a way to easily quantify the number of PHI or PCI violations that occur within SaaS applications.

By navigating to the violations page, users can investigate the context of alerts within each application in greater detail, and take the actions that make sense within each platform. After viewing and filtering violations on various attributes, Nightfall users can click on a specific violation and have the option to:

  • Acknowledge the finding
  • Send end-users who committed the violation a customizable message. This allows you to coach employees on appropriate use and sharing of sensitive data within cloud applications. 
  • Redact content within a finding (if supported by the integration). This generally entails redacting trailing characters (after the first two characters) from text containing sensitive data. This text can be in messages and files, in the case of Slack, or within tickets in Jira. This is done all without impacting the end-user experience of viewing the content.
  • Delete the content in a finding

For specific integrations, you have even more actions to select from. For example, with Google Drive findings, files can have their permissions restricted or have internal or external users removed. Slack Enterprise customers can quarantine entire messages.

Ultimately, the violations UI is designed to help Nightfall users: 

  1. Prioritize violations that need immediate attention.
  2. Identify end-users in your cloud applications who need more coaching on appropriate and acceptable use and sharing of sensitive data.
  3. Finally, you can easily see what types of sensitive data are most commonly spread across your cloud apps.

Interested in learning more?

Overall, these changes to the Nightfall dashboard make the platform more intuitive to use, providing users with a robust view of their data security risk at a glance and the ability to remediate violations quickly in one palace.

If you’re interested in learning more about Nightfall, learn more about our product integrations from the product menu above or scroll down below to schedule a meeting with us.

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