
Nightfall Named As A Leader in Data Loss Prevention (DLP) by G2 - Spring '23

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Michael Osakwe
March 30, 2023
Nightfall Named As A Leader in Data Loss Prevention (DLP) by G2 - Spring '23Nightfall Named As A Leader in Data Loss Prevention (DLP) by G2 - Spring '23
Michael Osakwe
March 30, 2023
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We're excited to share that Nightfall has been named as a Leader in Data Loss Prevention (DLP) in G2's Spring '23 rankings. Huge thank you to our customers and supporters who made this possible, and to our dedicated team who works so hard to keep their cloud data safe.

This year has been a busy one, with the release of our Advanced Secrets Detection, that provide detailed metadata about discovered API keys, like whether they're active. We also released our PHI Detector which allows for customers to identify PII and Individually Identifiable Health Information where they appear together. Finally we released Enhanced Content Preview, a feature lauded by customers for its productivity benefits for admins using Nightfall.

There are a ton more features and updates that we are eager to share with you when they're ready. We're looking forward for the opportunity to continue shaping the future of cloud-native data loss prevention with your support!

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