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Empower secure sharing of sensitive data

Securely allow employees to share sensitive information, powered automatically by the Nightfall Detection Engine.

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Nightfall Orb

End users often share sensitive data insecurely, leaving your organization exposed.

End users want to do the right thing, but legacy encryption solutions make it nearly impossible. They provide a poor user experience, which prevents employee adoption.
The sender has to remember to apply encryption when transferring sensitive data. It’s easy to forget when work moves at lightspeed. The recipient has to jump through byzantine hoops to access the content.
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Why Nightfall?

There’s an automated, user friendly way for end-users to share sensitive data.

Native Sender Experience

Nightfall integrates where your senders are, making their lives easy. Senders can seamlessly leverage Nightfall’s Chromium based browser plugin to share sensitive content.

Secure Recipient Experience

No login portals required. Nightfall’s Secure Reader allows recipients to easily authenticate via OTP and receive content.

Automatic Encryption

No need to worry if senders forget to manually encrypt outgoing content. Nightall’s Detection Engine can be set up to automatically encrypt sensitive content.

Finally, an encryption product with real adoption.

Power delightful sender and recipient experiences.

Traditional encryption solutions are clumsy, difficult to use, and lead to poor employee adoption. Nightfall’s modern solution focuses on delivering enterprise grade encryption in a simple and easy to use interface.

Let automatic encryption lead the way. No need to rely only on manual encryption.

Nightfall’s Detection Engine can accurate identify sensitive content and automatically encrypt sensitive information a user may forget to encrypt on their own.

Powerful administrative controls.

Govern how long encrypted content can be shared and who has access to it, all from a centralized administrative interface.

Meet compliance standards.

Pass audits by meeting compliance standards and encryption related controls in HIPAA, GDPR, CJIS, ITAR and more.
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Schedule a live demo

Speak to a DLP expert. Learn the platform in under an hour, and protect your data in less than a day.