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AI-Native Data Encryption for Email

Nightfall Data Encryption is the seamless encryption solution that safeguards your sensitive data and ensures continuous compliance with HIPAA, FINRA, FERPA, and other leading standards.

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Why Cloud Data Protection is Essential for Addressing Modern Security Challenges

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Trusted by the most innovative organizations

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Legacy DLP never worked

Protect your business-critical data without the limitations of outdated DLP solutions.
Nighfall for data at rest

Low accuracy

Legacy DLP solutions are notoriously noisy, and lead to a high volume of false positives.

Nightfall for SaaS

Lack of automation

Without the capability to automate data encryption, legacy DLP solutions require manual security workflows.

Nightfall for ChatGPT

Frequent interruptions

With low accuracy and slow time to remediation, legacy DLP solutions don’t just impact security team productivity, but also impede workflows company-wide.

Nightfall offers an automated,
AI-powered solution

Nightfall Data Encryption is precise, secure, and scalable.

Nightfall Discovery icon
Accurate, context-aware data protection

Nightfall’s generative AI (GenAI) detection engine pinpoints emails that contain sensitive data, and encrypts them automatically.

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Automatic encryption

Nightfall encrypts emails before they get to cloud and SaaS applications, offering you total control of your data protection strategy.

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Enhanced productivity

Avoid workflow interruptions with a seamless and secure reader experience for email recipients.

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about benefits

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HIPAA reporting and monitoring made easy

Healthcare organizations need to protect PHI and comply with HIPAA. Nightfall automatically classifies all cloud data and finds at-risk patient data from a single platform.

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    Use prebuilt, high accuracy detectors or create your own

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    Build detection rules for your use cases

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    Scan text and files, including images

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    Remediate sensitive data with redaction techniqu

Discover sensitive data across every facet of your Teams workspace

Protect outgoing emails

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    Install Nightfall’s lightweight browser plugin in minutes.

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    Detect PII, PCI, PHI, secrets, and credentials in Gmail and Microsoft Exchange.

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    Automatically encrypt outgoing emails, or provide the option for employees to encrypt emails themselves.

Create a secure reading experience

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    View emails and attachments in Nightfall’s secure reader.

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    Ensure that attachments remain encrypted even when downloaded to endpoints or uploaded to cloud apps.

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    Take further action by revoking email access, setting email expiration dates, blocking email forwarding, and more.

Get actionable insights in near-real time

Streamline your security operations

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    Receive real-time alerts in Slack, Jira, email, or your SIEM of choice.

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    Scope policies by including or excluding specific domains.

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    Ensure continuous compliance with leading standards like HIPAA, FINRA, FERPA, GDPR, and beyond.

Nightfall Mini Logo

Schedule a live demo

Speak to a DLP expert. Learn the platform in under an hour, and protect your data in less than a day.