
Nightfall was built on AI. Here’s how we’re advancing our mission to scale data protection in the enterprise.

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Isaac Madan
March 18, 2024
Nightfall was built on AI. Here’s how we’re advancing our mission to scale data protection in the enterprise. Nightfall was built on AI. Here’s how we’re advancing our mission to scale data protection in the enterprise.
Isaac Madan
March 18, 2024
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Back in 2018, Rohan and I founded Nightfall on the belief that AI could make data leak prevention (DLP) better, faster, and more accessible to every enterprise. At the time, Rohan was a founding engineer at Uber Eats, and I was an investor at Venrock specializing in SaaS and security. From these respective vantage points, we could see that legacy solutions weren’t working, and could never keep up with the evolving threat landscape. 

Built on rules and heuristics, legacy DLP solutions are overwhelmingly noisy, which renders them ineffective in the modern enterprise setting. To make matters worse, security teams that use legacy DLP often need to combine a variety of point solutions to attain full coverage. If and when teams do create that patchwork solution, they’re limited to blunt remediation options that block the business and create friction between security teams and the rest of the company. Seeing these problems firsthand, we knew that there was a better way. 

We responded to these challenges by founding Nightfall AI: The first DLP solution built with AI at the core. Starting with Slack, we grew our platform to cover more apps and integrations like Jira, GitHub, Zendesk, Notion, and more. And as we grew, we started to see how our AI core could serve as a foundation for a broader variety of DLP use cases. Today, we’re thrilled to share that we’ve set our sights beyond SaaS apps, and are expanding our industry-leading data protection platform to cover Data Exfiltration Prevention, Data Encryption, Sensitive Data Protection, and SaaS Security Posture Management (SSPM)

At Nightfall, we know what it takes to successfully protect a business, and we sculpted our enterprise DLP solution with those key differentiators in mind. Here are just a few ways that Nightfall stands out from the crowd:

  • AI-native: We built Nightfall from the ground up with AI. This is reflected in our enhanced generative AI (GenAI) detection capabilities, which are 2x more precise, and have 4x fewer false positive alerts than competitors like Google DLP, Microsoft Purview, and AWS Comprehend. 
  • Unified platform: Each of our products work in tandem to create a seamless DLP ecosystem where no sensitive data will slip through the cracks.

As we continue to innovate, our central mission is to empower enterprises big and small to navigate the digital world with confidence, while ensuring the security and privacy of their sensitive data. 

With this vision in mind, we’re thrilled to present each of our new products:

Get a closer look at each of these products by signing up to be one of our design partners today. 

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